* **Arity**: The number of arguments taken by a function, operation or relation. * **Annuitant**: Person receiving an annuity. * **Aniline**: Simplest aromatic amine, used in making dyes, herbicides, drugs, inks, perfumes, resins, etc. * **Anil**: The indigo shrub or dye obtained from that shrub aniline amine. * **Alembic**: A distilling apparatus, now obsolete, consisting of a rounded, necked flask and a cap with a long beak for condensing and conveying the products to a receiver. Seems unfair that this is in literally every crossword puzzle ever written, but the guy two doors down from Will Shortz's office doesn't know or care. * **Alchemical**: Of or relating to alchemy. * **Agonal**: Occurring just before death. * **Adit**: Horizontal passage leading into a mine for the purposes of access or drainage. * **Adiabatic**: Relating to or denoting a process or condition in which heat does not enter or leave the system concerned. * **Actinic**: Relating to or denoting light able to cause photochemical reactions - _12.6M_ * **Abeam**: on a line at right angles to a ship's or an aircraft's length. In this (), at around 28:30 Sam Ezersky himself talks about the criteria he uses when deciding whether or not to include a word. "(Dubious)" means that it gets fewer than (not less than!) one millions hits on Google. Include quotes around the word when searching to eliminate fuzzy search results. Optional: Include the _number of hits you get when you google the word, in millions (M)_. Include the word followed by its meaning, similar words that WERE accepted, and any comments. Or Semantle, or any similar game.Įnter words that should have been accepted but were rejected. Don't post answers to today's Wordle either.

The daily post comes up automatically each day at the same time the Bee goes live.Ħ. The daily post is automated - don't make one. Want to complain about a word that's not accepted? See below.ĥ. In addition to hiding them, mark hints as `HINTS` or `` and answers as `ANSWERS` or ``.Ĥ. Posts or comments contains allowed words? Enclose them in >! and !!ANSWER!!` and `!!ANSWER!Do not post answers to or hints about today's Spelling Bee puzzle without hiding them.The New York Times Magazine also includes a weekly game in the print edition. The NY Times app and include it as a daily game. The NY Times Spelling Bee is a game that's published daily and weekly by the New York Times.